We put a lot of effort into furnishing the GREEN VILLA and want future guests to feel just as comfortable as we do! We therefore ask you to return to our holiday home to leave like this, as you found it.
Damages have to be reported in written form at the latest on the day of departure (e-mail lobby + e-mail owner). Then an attempt is made to repair the damage as inexpensively as possible on a cost price basis. In addition, settlement via the insurance company can be attempted.
Note: The cleaning staff carries out a thorough final inspection after each check-out. If new damage is discovered during this process that was not previously reported, steps will be taken accordingly at the expense of the previous guest in full. The costs and fees for this subsequent damage settlement are then considerably higher. Under certain circumstances, treatment as damage to property may even be considered.
Of course non of the items of the GREEN VILLA are allowed to be taken away. The entire inventory (including spoons, cups, glasses, etc.) is our personal property. The entrainment will be therefore treated as theft.
If additional cleaning should be required, we will have to charge the additional costs.
Therefore, you shouldn´t forget the following points. Everything is okay, if you can answer reply every question with "Yes" (please click). This also serves the purpose of sustainability.
*if you want to leave before the day of departure and the lobby is closed at that time, you can drop the keys in the lobby mailbox provided for this purpose.
Thank you very much!
We wish you a safe journey home!